Real Estate Strategy

the future is here
Perhaps you want nContinuum's scenario what-if plans, auto-generated ai optimization, and rich visualizations. Maybe you just want to record your current and proposed corporate real estate plans in an accessible system that reveals business unit impacts to all stakeholders. Or maybe you are falling further and further behind with all of today's uncertainty, and are finally ready to let go of your 1990's spreadsheet-based approach.
Whatever your reason, welcome to nContinuum.
Today's Challenge: Defining the Optimal Portfolio

By now, almost every company has an approved plan for their targeted future portfolio.
But changing workforce behaviors and shifting labor markets create a great deal of uncertainty and the need to refine planning goals is constant.
Every 100K square feet of space reduction can mean roughly $5M of annual operating expense reduction. Even bigger portfolios mean even bigger opportunities.
But every reduction in space creates additional disruption and concern among business unit leaders as to how they will fit into the reduced portfolio. Business unit resistance will derail even the most thoughtful corporate real estate strategy.
Go too far in your portfolio reduction, and the capital cost to add back assets is 5x or more of the targeted annual savings.
The pressure to right-size expensive corporate real estate assets requires an iterative and collaborative dialogue with financial leaders and business unit executives. This dynamic is not easily accomplished with today's siloed efforts and manual, offline methods that ignore time-based views of assignable capacity, space disruptions and cost.
nContinuum automates the planning process and brings all impacted stakeholders into a common environment, accelerating plan development and reducing operational risks.
Real Estate Strategy
nContinuum automates the corporate real estate planning process. We seamlessly connect scenarios and data from the strategic market planner through to occupancy planners and client relationship managers.
Data Solutions & Management
Every company seems to struggle with data. From too much data, too little data, or contradicting data sets, we have seen it all. Our experienced advisors can help you navigate even the most challenging data landscape to unlock its value.
Occupancy & Employee Behavior
Your current forecasts on future workforce behaviors will inevitably change given today's uncertainty. Our scenario planning tools allow multiple versions of the future to be quickly developed and shared across business units to better understand plan risks, increasing visibility and collaboration.
Environmental & Social Governance (ESG)
Each nContinuum supply scenario is a unique combination of future transactions and capital projects that can be measured against corporate ESG requirements. nContinuum provides complete visibility into planned actions and impacts versus the hidden, off-line approaches in use today.
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